"In this Troubled Economy . . . '

Greetings all,
Of all things that inspire my blog posts, my hope is that this will be one of the *few* based on a facebook status . . . lol.
Yesterday was a tough day at the office and I made a silly facebook posting that "one of my more troublesome clients might need a spanking . . . lol." (and let me put some parameters on 'troublesome' - paraphrased, sort of - "can you please place the order for the new fabric today, tell the workroom to rush the project, and I'll send you the payment when I have a moment." um, no.) My 'status' brought out a flurry of responses from fellow designers and friends alike with everything from - "after you finish, could you spank one of my clients" to "in this economy, you need every client you can find."
It was that last statement that has had me thinking for most of today. In this economy (or in any economy), should you cater to every person who wants your services?
Discuss . . .
i just posted (2nd post down) on an article in NT mag. about people treat their decorators.
the link to the full article is there
There are people who think they can demand anything because you need my business but these are also the people who no matter how bad business is they aren't worth it they will cost you time, effort and sometimes sanity.
If you can't or won't spank this person call me I will. xo, MB
Yes, you should tend to them as this is your livelihood, but you are NOT an underling who gets treated with that snobby attitude of your simply being the "hired help".
As my mother used to say - "You catch a lot more flies with honey rather than vinegar."
Have a fabulous weekend!!
I certainly don't, in any way, feel like I should be exempt from the day to day challenges of running my design business . . . lol. And, yes, honey always works better.
My question was more - how much do we change the way that we operate our businesses during our present economic situation? Would you take on, or keep, a project that is not a good 'fit' for you?
I'm still thinking . . .
my thoughts from the trenches.
The client is not always right. Its a fact. While no matter the industry top drawer service should be the norm not the exception, always, not just when times are tough, there is a natural limi to what people should expect. Pardon my french but my cantakerfabulous gran use to say... do they want you to wipe their behinds too????
I've appreciated everyone's thoughts, encouragement, and feedback.
onward to better and more exciting projects!
My initial response is, "If you can't pay, you can't play".
Well, I've learned that it may be a bit harsh too. Yes, if one is not able to finance a project, it should not even be started. If a project is in the works, and hard times come upon a client--well, do what you can to help them out.
That's what we'd all want in return. The old "Do unto others" motto.
BRAVO. (dont think i would have done her dishes)
This, of course, stand for Pain In The A.....
Believe me, that extra fee takes the irritation down just a wee bit for all of us.