"Shameless Self-Promotion . . . "

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Greetings and Salutations,

There always seems to be lots going on here at the house - lol - and now, I am quite delighted to announce that my humble little abode has been accepted in the "California Home & Design - Dining Room" contest.   Click here to cast your vote.  I'm #23.  (And you can vote as often as once a day - if you are so moved.)  Thanks in advance!  The voting closes in a week.

If you're a long-time reader of the blog, you might recognize the room - kind of.  When I first re-worked the layout of my flat a few years ago, I really needed a space where I could entertain - but, didn't have the square footage to have an exclusive space for formal dining.

So, I made sure when I first started designing my study, I would need it to transform into a cozy little dining room without too much fuss.  Take a small cocktail table out, put a larger table in, move some chairs around - and voila - instant (well, not really, but you get the idea) dining room.

And clearly, as you know - I have a enormous collection on china and stemware - here all dressed for a Springtime luncheon.  Anytime there are large amounts of fresh cut lilacs in my home, I'm pretty happy.

And now, after having a few friends over, everything is back to its usual place.  No fuss.  No muss.  

Thanks again for your support and for voting for #23.

And a big "thank you" to Nicolas Smith for his amazing photography - and his great sense of humour.


What's for dinner?

The room looks quite warm and welcoming. You are a master at transforming a space into just what you have envisioned.

I'm off to vote! Good luck!
I just clicked on # 23 and voted for you! Your dining room is divine!
BEiiME said…
I voted for my favorite designer! Another fantastic dinning room Mr. Tartanscot!
Susan and Eric - Thank you both SO much.
It looks really fantastic! i'm off to cast my vote :-)
Invite me over for a party anytime!
PS -you were hands down the winner compared to the others (which were mostly pretty awful). I'm not even just being supportive or nice -yours is the best!
Is that a tartan screen?? Divine!
Grant K. Gibson said…
You had my vote even if I didn't know who you were!
I actually covered up the screen with the names of who designed what- and I am not joking- blindly you were the winner to me!
Happy Friday...
Grant, you are an absolute sweetheart.

thank you,
Alicia said…
Perfection in either direction, sitting or dining that is.
You have my votes.
Like Grant, I would have voted for you even if I didn't know and love you!!!!
katiedid said…
You've got my vote....as if you had to guess! There were only a handful, if that, that were even in your league!(Some were..well...I just won't say.) Wishing you good luck!!!
Thanks Katie and Grayson !

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