"Dusty, but Neatly Stacked . . . "

OMG - this one kinda crept up on me . . . but, as I look at my calendar for the weekend is clearly says, "New York and the Hamptons." Yay. So, I'm feverishly getting every piece of patch-work madras and vintage seersucker organized and packed for an aggressively preppy visit with friends and clients in NY and the Hamptons.
Planning to get in some theatre. And there's a good bit of shopping on the agenda. Brunch here. Party there. And just being surrounded by all the energy that New York City offers - followed by the wondrous relaxation of strolling around the Hamptons.
And in preparations for the trip - I'm desperately trying to get the house in order. I've got workmen in next week and want to make sure everything is presentable - even in the middle of the project - I need things to look great . . . lol . . . and I insist that I return to a neat and tidy home. It makes that long flight back from the east coast a little less of a drudgery.
And in my organizing frenzy - I ran across a dusty (but, neatly stacked) pile of design magazines. My first thought was, "aw crap! more shelter mags to sort through?" But, as I was flipping through them (in an obvious attempt to delay my cleaning frenzy), it's clear what they are. A missing stack of favourites. I had wondered where they were. Carefully organized. I recognize every single cover. And the well worn spines that simply fall open. Images that make my spine tingle.
Like these from House and Garden, June 2004. God I miss this magazine. It's the Hampton's home of James and Whitney Fairchild. And they practically embody everything that is gracious and lovely about summer. White Linen. Beautiful antiques. Cool marble. Vintage wicker. I can almost feel the breeze wafting through the house.
And with any luck - I can spend part of my weekend napping . . . dreaming of such wonderful places.
So, if you're in New York and think, "Wow, that guy on the vintage bicycle in the patchwork madras shorts looks JUST like Scot," - yell across the street - it might be me!
trying on my seersucker blazer,
House & Garden, June 2004
photography - Francois Halard
Best regards,
Reynolds Still
Have a marvelous time on your trip and feel free to detour your return flight via The South! Have a ball!