"Breathe Deeply . . . "

Greetings all,

It's been yet another whirlwind week here in San Francisco. And not just from our semi-tropical rainstorm. (There were a few moments there when I thought we were going to have to head to higher ground . . . lol.)

But there's also been an exciting whirlwind of great press and amazing business here in the office as well. The challenging part is remaining focused and organized with all the various projects on the schedule. I keep a 'do-to-list' that keeps me on track on most days, but as the holidays are rapidly approaching . . . it's going to make things just that much more frenzied. I always keep a current list of my clients parties and events . . . just to make sure that everyone's home is in perfect condition whenever guests arrive.
If it sounds exhausting . . . at times, it can be. But, I like to stay involved with my clients - even after our 'project' is completed. We've spent so much time together, it only seems natural.

So I'm taking a few quick moments to relax, unwind, and re-visit some favourite images. Like Darryl Carter's townhouse in DC - pictured above.

And flipping through the new edition of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles in the new online edition.

And digging through old files filled with images that I can't even remember where they were found.

Off to Carmel for the weekend to look at a project . . . and to take a few days off.

Christmas is coming,


Linda in AZ * said…
* UNMISTAKABLY, UNdoubtedly, magnificently IN LOVE with the DR (last picture).... I just fell "IN LUST"!!!! Sooooooooooooo faaaaaabuoous!!!!

THANK YOU n' best,
Linda in AZ *
(I mean I reeeeeeeally, truuuuuuly love that DR!*)~
Mise said…
A picture on a mirrored wall? Wow! It appears to float in mid-air.
Beautiful Images!!! Calm and Edited
thanks for sharing, love the pictures.

Yes, Christmas is coming--and when are you coming to my house? I'm waiting!

The living room in the first image is SO refreshing. How calm and cool. Adore!

Hope Carmel was inspiring and exciting!
Linda Merrill said…
That last dining room is totally gorgeous! Enjoy your time off!
Greet Lefèvre said…
I came over for The Neo Lifestyle blog! I am so glad to have discovered your blog! Absolutely wonderful! I will come back ! I added your blog on my bloglist!

Blog Author(s) said…
Question: I dig the quilted mirror wall. How is that created ?

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