Kiera Knightly, in Atonement |
I don't wish to rub your noses in it, oh sweet east coast friends . . . but, we're in the serious throws of a proper Spring here in San Francisco. Daffodils are struggling through the damp ground. Our weather is warming considerably. And after a long, wet winter . . . my eye is being pulled away from the
blues that have been stirring my imagination as of late . . . and back to their proper green.
As I've stated in the past . . . were you to awaken me from a deep sleep and ask my favourite colour - I will always answer 'green.' Dark and loamy. Or bright and cheerful. Those lush hues of the earth that always bring me to a calm state of mind . . . and inspire my creativity.
So come with me and cast your mind upon the green . . . it's easy . . .
Prince Charles . . . in his younger days. |
One of the most famous party dresses of all time, from Gone With the Wind |
(and be sure to check back on Saturday - for a very special National Tartan Day tour planned for you . . . !)
Happy Wednesday.
how could i have so easily forgotten your grace and style and wit? shame.
you are always a feast for the eyes. and sometimes the heart.
thank you!
I did hunter green for years and I thought I was over it, your pictures have given me some pause where green is concerned.
Who cannot love the range of greens that old, faded tapestry? And I'm in love with the pale green stained glass in the windows of the stately dining room.
Spring has finally arrived here in Atlanta with April showers, birds courting and nesting, and garden centers filled with folks eager to dig in the dirt.
Enjoy! Enjoy!
April, Just Verte Style