"10 - 9 - 8 - 7 . . . "

Greetings and Salutations,

The next time the sun rises over the east bay hills here in San Francisco - it will be the beginning of a new decade. of a new year. of a new day. and of another simple Friday. and another chance to start over. or a chance to simply keep going forward.

But, tonight will be filled with merriment.

And reveling crowds in the streets.

This last year has been such an amazing time for me. Celebrating some great successes with my business. Having the chance to perform with some amazing musicians and friends. And 2009 will always be remembered as the year that I started blogging (though I first began writing in late 2008 - no one but my mother and a few friends were reading until this year - lol.) And I love having the chance to share part of my life with you. And I hope the new year brings me further opportunities to meet more of you in person.

But, I've never been a huge 'party-goer' for New Years Eve. There have been a few years that I've seen the ball drop - and heard the clock strike midnight - but, most likely, I'm in bed - sleeping quietly - for I love to be up early on New Year's morning - usually for a long run. Clearing my head. Setting my sights on new goals. Putting it on paper. Making it happen.

So - my New Year's celebration is rarely about midnight - but more about the dawn. The eastern sky slowly beginning to illuminate. The new year slowly becoming a reality.

Ready. Set. 2010. Go.

Happy New Year,


LadyeLisa said…
TS - You find the most amazing images for your posts! I feel like I've already witnessed the whole spectacle!

Ready for a new day and many more brilliant posts from your 'pen.' Happy New Year!
Wishing you a wonderful New Year.
I have to say, That is the best
array of fire work photo's I've
Great post.
Thanks Yvonne!

And to you as well.

and 'praise google' for the pictures1

vignette design said…
I'm with you--I'll be in bed before midnight too. Lovely pictures of San Francisco. Happy New Year --Delores
La Maison Fou said…
Happy New Year to you!
My Notting Hill said…
A pleasure to read. 50% of the time I'll stay up with my husband and he enjoys the count down. My favorite part is waking up early the next morning. Happy 2010 & Good Morning!
Renée Finberg said…
this is so gorgeous.
lucky you.

happy new year xx
Unknown said…

How fun it's been reading your blog. Great snaps!
May you be blessed with health, wealth, wisdom and longevity starting now and taking you through 2010 and beyond.

Step outside and tip your hat to the Once in a Blue Moon Full Moon which won't be on New Year's Eve again until 2028. All the Best.


Renae Moore said…
Happy New Year Scot....love the images and like the way you get your new year started.
Rosemary Q said…
I am new to your blog and enjoy it tremendously. Happy New Year to you!
I've never been a huge 'party-goer' for New Years Eve either! Glad I am not the only one. Wishing you all the best in 2010!
Mark Newman said…
Great post, Scot. All the best for 2010!

understand the 'writing to the wind' feeling, i'm still plugging away, but enjoying the ride. your star has risen and rightfully so. "cream" always rises! love watching you soar from afar scott. continued success, truly love your blog!
happy 2010
Habitually Chic said…
Hope you are already having a great New Year! I wish you much health and happiness and more importantly, success in 2010! I think it's going to be a great year!

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