"Style, Remembered . . . "


The young man from Mississippi was just 14 years old - and he always loved Saturday morning.  It meant several things.  Firstly, it meant that there was no need to awake early for school.  No.  The young man from Mississippi would awake to a much different schedule.   

8:00 am.  First request from Mother that he get up.

8:14 am.  Follow-up request from Mother that he get up.

8:29 am.  Final request (and really, we all knew this was the only real wake-up call)

8:34 am.  Breakfast.  Scrambled eggs.  Bacon.  Coffee (with lots of cream and sugar)

8:48 am.  Breakfast finished.  

8:50 am.  Bathroom visit.

8:54 am.  Second cup of coffee (again, with lots of cream and sugar)

8:55 am.  Meet Mother back in the den.

8:56 am.  Turn on Television.

8:57 am.  Settle into the loveseat.  Gather pillows and a light-weight blanket.

8:58 am.  Build nest from the aforementioned pillows and blanket.

8:59 am.  Get comfortable.

9:00 am.  CNN.

God I loved this show.  And that it meant spending time with my Mom watching Elsa.  Magically bringing style and fashion from around the globe into our little den in rural Mississippi.

Does anyone else remember watching this every week?  Is it just me?



Dena @iNSIDE_iDEAS said…
Watched it all the time! Thanks for the memories
Anonymous said…
Absolutely I remember; my Mom and I also watched Style together on Saturday mornings, except we were in different cities, she on the phone to me in one town, me on the phone to her in another, we ooohed and ahhhed through the whole thing, and remember the colossal let down when it was over, and if memory serves I believe those [too brief!] segments were repeated one more time that same week.
Kelley Suhr said…
It must be something about Southern childhood. My mom and I watched Elsa every Saturday morning from beautiful Charleston, SC. Couldn't wait to see what she was going to show next. Whatever happened to dear Elsa?

I've already planned to take 4/29 off to stay home and watch the Royal Wedding, too. Don't judge!

I'm SO taking the 29th off to watch the wedding!

Unknown said…
Your post brought back childhood memories: Me and my sisters wedged in front of an four legged TV, watching Saturday afternoon movies on East German program. LOL! Still remember warmly my mother setting up a coffee table with fresh baked rolls with butter and cocoa for us!
And surely, I will watch the Royal nuptial as well!
Tea in hand and tears in my eyes!
Unknown said…
Now I understand the multiple alarms.

Yes. Any odd habits that I possess can be directly traced back to my childhood. lol.
Unknown said…
Wow, I forgot about that show. Loved it! I think it was pre-HGTV. But I was way older than 14 when I watched, lol.
Dig Brooklyn said…
Scott, if you lived in my town of Va. Beach, VA, you and I would have watched reruns of Style with Elsa which I religiously taped every weekend. With all the speed that design is disseminated around the world these days, the once a week show gave fashion a cache that is a bit lacking today. Thanks for the memories.
Anonymous said…
OMG! Elsa Klensch! Thanks for this walk down memory lane. :)
Unknown said…
"Scot Meacham Wood said...


Yes. Any odd habits that I possess can be directly traced back to my childhood. lol."

That must have been quite a childhood.
AlwaysMe said…
Oooo yes! I LOVED Elsa. That haircut! That voice! How exotic to a girl from Wichita, KS!
And by the way, I am hosting a Royal Wedding Watch party on the 29th - wish you could join us!
Alan Karlin said…
Elsa! Loved Elsa! Where oh where did she go? She would be a great blogger! Like you.
Now I understand what's wrong with me! When I was a kid, I watched Mighty Mouse and Rocky and Bullwinkle on Saturday Mornings! I hadn't a clue...
I loved Elsa. I wonder where she is now? She was it,
we had so little information at the time. Sat mornings it was her and The Flintstones.
Carolyn said…
Love that show, thanks for the tour down memory lane...

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Michele from Boston said…
I think I saw every single episode and yearned to have a job like Elsa's. What a wonder it was! And so well presented. None of the silly "light entertainment" we have to tolerate from our newscasts these days. And those interviews. I think she interviewed everyone worth knowing in the field of any kind of design - interiors, fashion, industrial. And mostly free of celebrity fawning. It seems like eons have passed.
I still think about it every saturday morning "where's Elsa?"
Great show....great memory with that
Alicia said…
Loved Elsa!!!! It was style with substance not for fashionability or worse celebrity. God takes me back. Thanks for the memory.
Anonymous said…
I remember this show too. I was in my my early teens then. I love this shows intro, then I mimic Elsa saying : "This is Style and I am Elsa Kelnsch reporting from the design worlds of Fashion, Beauty and Decorating". I wonder whatever happened to her. Neil Tan-Manila Philippines neilkriss.tan@yahoo.fr

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