"Don't Worry. I've Got You . . . "
It seems like it's been a while since I've posted much about my 'non-design' life - but, yesterday was really kinda cool - so, here goes . . .
For you new readers, I've been working out with an amazing bootcamp program here in San Francisco for almost 3 years . . . and so many of my closest friends are now the people that I run (push-up, sit-up, sprint, sweat, bear-crawl, crunch, etc . . .) with 4 to 5 mornings a week. And it's been a life-changer. It has made me a morning person. Who knew I'd wake up before dawn without threats? Seriously, who knew?
Well, one of my favourite parts of the program is that we usually have a social activity on the calendar every month. We've been out to karaoke night. We've been bowling. We've had trapeze lessons. I'm pushing for a 80's dancing night.
But on the agenda yesterday - we went indoor rock climbing. Way cool. Even for someone like me - with some serious height issues.
That's me on the practice wall - up top.
Always working as a team. One climbing. One securing the safely rope.
And this gives you some sense of the size of the facility.
The feedback from the group - GREAT FUN. And I can't wait to go back again!
It seems like these climbing facilities are popping up everywhere . . . and I truly recommend them it there's one close to you. And after conquering your fear of heights - maybe it'll be even easier to use that fantastic textile that's you've been skittish about using. Or maybe that dramatic new paint colour.
Be bold. Be brave. Find out who's holding your safety rope. They won't let you fall.
'I can see my house from here,'
It's become such a part of the 'pattern of my life' now - that I can't imagine being away from it.
the 'fitness' part is just a part of the group.
LOL! It's not nearly as bad as it looks. But, kudos to you on your aforementioned boldness!
Art by Karena
You should understand - I'm terrified of heights - like afraid of being on a 3 foot step ladder . . . lol.
And I was okay. A little shaky coming down . . . but, I can't wait to try it again.
I'm glad to know that they're up in Europe as well.
is that you just.
and your partner lowers you down. and repel off the wall with you feet a bit.
Listened to your SRT interview the other day....so enjoyable!
And, to echo Lisa...very impressed.
Here, here! A toast - to being braver than we thought we were!
I've never climbed indoors. Doesn't look too bad. I might give it a try if I've still got my gear lying around.