"As The Fan Deck Turns . . . "
The interior design process is never quite as linear as one might expect it to be. At least that's true for me. There are blissful moments of pure, theoretical design. But, soon afterwards - we all have to deal with things like back-order dates and budget constraints . . . and making what sometimes feel like 'Sophie's Choice' level decisions. Where we might want to spend extra funds . . . or what could be worth the wait based on lead-times. It's beautiful . . . but, not for 16 weeks. Yin. And yang. Maybe this. But, then maybe not that?
But, much like hard-set concrete . . . at its earliest points . . . it's all kinda fluid . . .
So in today's concrete mixing truck (remember those trucks that you would see driving through town . . . with the logo right-side-up . . . and then up-side-down . . . then right-side-up again - as it slowly threaded its way to the construction site) . . .
(this is clearly going to one of those 'stream-of-consciousness' posts . . . I can just tell . . . )
With lots of elipses. And parenthetical information . . . lol. (like this) . . . and this . . .
So . . . what's in today's concrete mixer? (I'm very clearly seeing the SMW Design truck driving around San Francisco . . . with our logo slowly revolving) Ideas still fluid . . . but, decisions need to be made. We're working on the perfect green for the front door for one of our current projects.
Apple? Kelly? Lime? Forest?
So . . . I've just been pulling any image that strike me. Truly, inspiration can come from anything and anywhere. (The images for this post were simply collected from my pinterest page . . . I've had 'green' on my mind for kind of a while now) How about the tart, apple-y green of a needlepoint slipper . . .
Or a clearer . . . bolder green. From a bright cotton chino blazer . . .
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Oscar de la Renta. |
Something much more dramatic . . . .
Or much deeper and more mysterious . . . almost a black . . .
Maybe something with a little more blue . . .
The other crazy part of dealing with any paint colour . . . is . . . there's the colour you choose. And then there's the colour you have to paint it to look like the colour you chose in the specific lighting of the space. Well . . . depending on what time of day it is.
If ever there were one . . . 'paint' is a moving target.
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Michael Bastian, Fall 2010 |
So, for those of you who think I just sit around all day picking out tassel-fringe for decorative pillows and sipping coffee are woefully mistaken . . . lol . . .
Because . . . I'm seeing a front door in my near future. Painted 6 to 8 differing shades of green. And visited several times over the course of several days to find the perfect answer. And the 'sipping coffee' part will be much more of a 'swigging coffee in the car' on the way over to see what the paint looks like in the afternoon sun. And in the fog.
And I also need to find tassel-fringe. (because a little decorative trim never did a pillow wrong . . . )
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Is the right colour here?"
2012 Artist Series featuring the gifted Decorative Painter Theresa Cheek
Art by Karena
Love this post! I don't think you could go wrong with any of the greens that are painted on the doors you show. Some of the clothing colors might translate, but not sure. How fun this was, promise to show us the end result if at all possible.
Once again you'be brightened out day!
Bubble & Squeak
This winter I had 11 samples of green. on the ceiling of my kitchen/library-dining room. I know, swimming against the tide with a darker ceiling. It was a very interesting study of light on ceiling vs wall. The young electrician's apprentice walked in and said, "Dude, you're going camo. Cool!" Sigh....
Our front door is green ~ more in the forest green family.