"Chinoiserie Starts at Home . . . "


As many of you might know, my father passed away early last year and thus my brother and I inherited the family home where we had spent a good portion of our lives growing up.  He and I spoke regularly about the need to meet back home to sift through the decades of belongings and treasures - and likely some trash - and prepare the house to be sold. 

On one of my trips to Mississippi - I discovered a cache of vintage textiles that my mother had purchased when we lived in the Far East . . . and I knew I wanted to honor her by creating a few new textiles for my own collection based on the things that she had bought.

So honestly - in possibly the 'lowest-tech version' of how this is done - I ended up making copies of a few dozen motifs and then cutting and taping them on butcher paper at the studio.  Endlessly toying with pattern density and negative space - working to find the perfect balance of both.  Once the basic pattern was laid out - off it all went to my artist to create the final design for the pattern . . .

Thus, I'm pleased to introduce you to SMW Home's first chinoiserie toile, Cordelia Park Toile.  Available in 4 colourways (as well as decorative pillows) and boldly printed on a hearty cotton canvas for an amazing sturdy hand.

Mother would love these.


Yes.  There's a story behind the name . . . but, it's kind of a long one - lol - so we'll cover that next time! 


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